Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am until 5:30pm (excluding Bank holidays) and we close for lunch between 1pm and 2:15pm. Our Property Management department can be contacted on 01273 328556 or email info@jacksonsproperties.co.uk.
If you are a resident in one of our properties and have a genuine maintenance emergency* out of office hours, please telephone one of our emergency contractors:
Done & Dusted – 01273 758757 / 07805 569727
Miles-Hersey – 07974 340761
In the alternative, you can call Gary Pickard from this office on 07733 092789 (for emergencies only).
For communal fire alarm system faults or lift breakdowns, please check the signage next to the alarm panel or within the lift and telephone the respective contractors accordingly.
* To clarify, an ’emergency’ is defined as an unforeseen event which if not dealt with quickly would render the property unsafe or insecure or cause further damage to the property or cause risk to any of the residents. Think “Can this issue wait until the office is open?”
Please only use these numbers if the problem relates to maintenance emergencies either within the common ways or within a flat which you rent through Jacksons. You may incur the contractors fees should this facility be misused.
Other useful numbers:
Gas emergencies – National Gas Emergency Number 0800 111 999
Electric power cuts and emergencies – UK Power Networks 0800 31 63 105
Live power cut map (opens in new window)
Fire, police, ambulance – 999