- Established 1939
- Residential lettings
- Property management (letting)
- Property (block) management
- BHEAA – Brighton & Hove Estate Agents Association
- NAEA – National Association of Estate Agents
- ARMA – Association of Residential Managing Agents
- NALS – National Approved Letting Scheme
- TPOS – The Property Ombudsman Scheme
- SAFEagent – Safe Agent Fully Endorsed
Jacksons is one of the oldest firms of estate agents in the city and prides itself in offering a professional and personal service to all its customers and clients alike.
We aim to provide our clients with sensible objectives in the management of their building and strive to present realistic solutions in accordance with the leases, the Residential Management Code and current legislation. We have a friendly, reliable and experienced team ready to assist and help you however big or small the project may be.
The partners of our firm are Gary Pickard & Jill Pickard T/A JACKSONS.
Gary Pickard & Jill Pickard t/as Jacksons of 193 Church Road, Hove is an appointed representative of Brown & Brown Insurance Brokers (UK) Limited t/as Green Insurance Group which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with FCA Register number 745618. You can check this on the FCA’s register by visiting the FCA website https://register.fca.org.uk/ or by contacting the FCA on 0800 111 6768.